User Opinions

We will be very hear to hear your opinion, suggestions, ideas and testimonials about StarReminder.
Please visit our Contact page and post your message in our Contact form.
Please visit our Contact page and post your message in our Contact form.
Peter Marshall
I have to tell you guys, I had a problem and emailed the support team of StarReminder and the problem was fixed in minutes, yes you read that right in minutes unbelievable.
I have been using StarReminder for years and years, there are no fancy frills on the software it just does what it says on the tin and for a stupid price of $9.99 complete bargain.
Guys just bye it you will not be disappointed at all.
I have been using StarReminder for years and years, there are no fancy frills on the software it just does what it says on the tin and for a stupid price of $9.99 complete bargain.
Guys just bye it you will not be disappointed at all.
The soft is great! Thanks a lott!
Lutz Frankie
A cute little and effective prog! Got more?
Kenn Ball
StarReminder has a nice clean interface. Easy to use, unobtrusive when it pops up. Good job!
Clark Ian
Was looking for simple program to remind me of important tasks. This program does that very well and with minimal fuss. Thankyou!
Devers Scott
I think this is a good program. I am glad someone finally came up with it!!!
Marsh Christopher
I find this programme ideal as a reminder to do everyday tasks. I wanted something that would pop up on the screen on a particular date and remind me to do something important. This programme is perfect for me.
Mike Vale
Well I have been looking for something of this nature for a while and have found some but not as good as yours I now have a few probs remembering things so this is ideal for me.
Keep up the good work and let me know of any new things that would be something for you to add to your program
Thanks again.
Keep up the good work and let me know of any new things that would be something for you to add to your program
Thanks again.
Ciani Simona
I just found it in internet by Google search and I wish to thank you because it is and incredibly efficacious help!!!
Charlene Beecroft
I am very impressed so far with your software. It was easy to install and it seems very easy to use. Great job! I plan to tell everyone at the office!
Patrick Mertens
Ι already tryid out some other reminders but after triyng this one I don't use anymore of those other progs. Verry nice work done ther folks.
Patronas Dimos
Congats!!! It is a complete powerfull, easy to use tool, for those who want to do their job, but not to brake their...balls!!! THANK YOU
Jacobs Ed
Best program out of its type I found, I downloaded about 20 different 'alarm' programs and have deleted all except this one.
Chito S. Flores
My sincere admiration for the program. I got this from a kind friend, but I feel I have to commend you on it.
Honestly, in itself, I dont see much to improve on it. I guess you would, as I always say as a painter (I do paint) an artwork is never done, the more we contemplate on it the more we would want something in it...
What I can suggest if I may, and at your disposal, is a sort of recycle bin to keep old tasks, which could be recycled but has an built-in delete option after sometimes. Thus for tasks which may not be useful for the moment but may be useful in the future and may or could be retrieved. Moreso, it leaves the window for tasks uncluttered even if all tasks are displayed. This would necessitate to open window to show only the content of the "Recycle bin".
Like in my case, I dont want to delete your instructions in your POPUP NOTES. But I wish I could keep it in a bin somewhere within the program.
But this is a minor concern! I find it a small program but a genious! Thanks to my friend, BUT THANKS TO YOU!
I am a Christian, but not well off, but I can offer prayers, and THAT I WILL DO and for your family too!
Honestly, in itself, I dont see much to improve on it. I guess you would, as I always say as a painter (I do paint) an artwork is never done, the more we contemplate on it the more we would want something in it...
What I can suggest if I may, and at your disposal, is a sort of recycle bin to keep old tasks, which could be recycled but has an built-in delete option after sometimes. Thus for tasks which may not be useful for the moment but may be useful in the future and may or could be retrieved. Moreso, it leaves the window for tasks uncluttered even if all tasks are displayed. This would necessitate to open window to show only the content of the "Recycle bin".
Like in my case, I dont want to delete your instructions in your POPUP NOTES. But I wish I could keep it in a bin somewhere within the program.
But this is a minor concern! I find it a small program but a genious! Thanks to my friend, BUT THANKS TO YOU!
I am a Christian, but not well off, but I can offer prayers, and THAT I WILL DO and for your family too!
Jussi koivumaki
The software seems to working just fine and meeting my needs based on the use experience of one week.
Karin L. Crawford
Thank you for creating 'StarReminder'! It's a really great program! It's helping me not forget things, and schedule things on a regular basis for my business and personal life. Thanks again!
Cooper Malinee
Very good. I use it to remind my Dad about things he always forgets. It helps me remember homework too. Thanks for all your work
Ballantyne Ross
A great program that does exactly what I want.
Finley Sherwood & Paula
I have been looking for a program like this since last march when our computer was hit by lightning ; did searches every so often , but ; all other reminders had to be re-set every day ! so , what good is that ? for example , i always forget to eat lunch , and since i am a diabetic that is no good .
So , i really like the fact that i can just set it up and then i do not have to remember the reminder . thanks for all your hard work , i really appreciate it.
So , i really like the fact that i can just set it up and then i do not have to remember the reminder . thanks for all your hard work , i really appreciate it.
Peadar Doyne
I've only used it a short bit so I'll have to let you know later but it really is a great schedule alarm which is what I've used it for at present.
Miranda Caile
I really like this handy little program, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into its creation. Thank you!
Carol Sabai
I really find your program a great help it has been a constant reminder that has never failed to deliver. Keep up the good work.
I accidentally stumbled upon your program StarReminder and am just starting to use it. What a treat. The functionality is great, but it is your design that makes it such a pleasure. I am very picky about task schedulers and have not found one before that I was really comfortable with.
My vision is not very good--not blind or anything, just middle-aged vision limitations--so I'm usually uncomfortable trying to use things from the system tray. Too hard to see them. On the task bar I use LARGE icons. Trust me, the icons in the system tray are NOT large. I have to admit, though, that the icon you chose stands out well, and is less of a pain to use than most. Still, I would like it better if I could defang the system tray thing and open it from a regular icon. I could still add it to my startup menu.
Since the program is such a treat I went onto your homepage hoping for a little bio info but didn't find any. Country? How do you pronounce your first name? Any easier nickname? Age, and do you work full time as a professional programmer?
Anyway, thanks for the great program. I'm going to enjoy using it.
My vision is not very good--not blind or anything, just middle-aged vision limitations--so I'm usually uncomfortable trying to use things from the system tray. Too hard to see them. On the task bar I use LARGE icons. Trust me, the icons in the system tray are NOT large. I have to admit, though, that the icon you chose stands out well, and is less of a pain to use than most. Still, I would like it better if I could defang the system tray thing and open it from a regular icon. I could still add it to my startup menu.
Since the program is such a treat I went onto your homepage hoping for a little bio info but didn't find any. Country? How do you pronounce your first name? Any easier nickname? Age, and do you work full time as a professional programmer?
Anyway, thanks for the great program. I'm going to enjoy using it.
Frederico Almeida
Great and simple program, thanks a lot. Now I keep track os all the movies I wanna see on cable tv..
Doyne Peter
When I'm teaching sometimes I forget the time and when I have students waiting it is very convenient to keep me prompt.
Good program,,,,,,,using it to remind ex husband to send child care checks.
Dipankar Acharya
This is a very interesting software. Great job !!!
La Tasca Salford
Very useful piece of software! Keep up the good work!
Lopilato Joe
excellent pgm; all bases covered. it's a keeper after many many other trial downloads
Casey Eyring
Ι just installed your program today and like it very much. I use it to remind me the daily show is on because I always forget!
Hi there. Thank you very much for making this program available. I was looking for a good reminder program for a couple days and all I could find were free trials. This program is great! Thanks again!
Christine Bollinger Hunt
Thank you for Starreminder. I believe it will prove to be "just what I need". NOT some massive, bogged-down program that tries to do "to much" (like MS Outlook). But, an easy-to-use simple method of reminding me of tax deadlines and client deadlines (I'm an accountant & business owner) and when to drop everything and drive 85 mph to pick up a friend from the airport in the middle of a hectic day.
I mean, I have an address book. I have a time tracker. I have every software program under the sun to do everything else I need. This is the perfect addition
I mean, I have an address book. I have a time tracker. I have every software program under the sun to do everything else I need. This is the perfect addition
Davidson Bob
Great program. Has all the features I need. Thanks!
Jason Howard
Hello, I really like the idea of a simple program like this (because having a to-do list is one thing - being able to perform a scripted action at a certain date/time is much more useful). I would look forward to seeing future improvements in this program
Helen Maskery
StarReminder is very good for me. It suits my way of life in jogging my memory for the daily tasks that I need to do. :- Excellent
Hampton Arthur
I think this is a great program, and at this time it fulfills all of my needs.
Your Program is wonderful. I searched many times for a reminder that would remind me every hour about a task. I tried many programs before I found yours and they never worked properly. StarReminder works like a charm. I find it easy to use. Thank you for your time and thank you for StarReminder
Black Dave
With email and run program, I think I can do anything. It is by far a better program than the one it replaced. And that program was the best of the bunch when I got it. Kudos
Ratliff Vicki
I like the starreminder alot , i have alot of things going on and i do forget sometime and it lets me know ,, keeps me going ,,,
Russell Carrington
StarReminder is useful and simple - so very efficient!...looks good and is very functional – perfect for our timetabling uses…. Its a useful tool and one that I appreciate you taking the time to develop. Thx, Russ
Rita Kelley
Thank you for StarReminder!
I want to say that this program is easy to use and took no time to figure out how to use it either. It serves as a great reminder for my daily tasks at work and home. I like how I can choose my own wav file especially.
I notice it takes very little resources to run and that is an important thing now days to a lot of folks.
I want to say that this program is easy to use and took no time to figure out how to use it either. It serves as a great reminder for my daily tasks at work and home. I like how I can choose my own wav file especially.
I notice it takes very little resources to run and that is an important thing now days to a lot of folks.
Grace Tejada Galagarza
Muchas gracias por el software, aunque aun no lo conozco mucho, ya me esta ayudando en las tareas de mi oficina!!! Otra vez GRACIAS
Sebastian Thomschke
this program looks like the to do list I ever waited for. I'm primary keen in using the email notifier. Anyway, great program! Keep up the good work!
Michael Dowling
I have just downloaded and installed StarReminder,and am quite happy with it's many features. I especially like the fact that notes of up to 250 characters can be input.I find this is very useful,as the last freeware program I tried only had room for a line or so of characters.
I intend to use it for when to change my engine oil,pay bills,etc.Mundane but essential tasks I want to be reminded of.
Thanks for such a wonderful utility!
I intend to use it for when to change my engine oil,pay bills,etc.Mundane but essential tasks I want to be reminded of.
Thanks for such a wonderful utility!
I love the program as it helps me to stay focused & organized in areas where I used to be so forgetful! Thank you!
Lagera Palmer
I really love this program. It's so easy to use. When I searched, I found two that had caught my eye. But I downloaded StarReminder first, and was so happy with it, that I never looked at the other one.
Thank you.
Thank you.